miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

Clan Rules xD (English)

1. Do not use hacks.
a. Aimbot.
b. Wallhack.
c. Bots, cheats, or “exploiting bugs” etc.

2. Do not discriminate by ethnicity, genre, language, political opinion, religion, social position, or any other aspect.

3. Be respectful to other [S*S] Members.
a. Do not team-kill them.
b. Do not insult them or use offensive language.
c. Do not propose a vote to kick them.
d. Respect the [S*S] Ranks.

4. Be respectful to other players.
a. This includes what was mentioned in point 2.

5. Do not use a tag or name that you are not authorized to use. If you desire a name change or a promotion to new tags, post in the forum the petition for the new name and the council will review your petition. Only when your petition has been accepted can you use the tag.

6. If you have a lower rank than another member, you must have an extra respect toward them. They can report bad attitudes on the forum resulting in discipline.

7. If you have a higher rank than another member, do not abuse your authority. We are a “noob-friendly” team.

8. For server Admins (including Referees) any abuse of power is not tolerated.

9. Always be active on the clan webpage and forums. Allowed inactive time is 1 month unless a reason or excuse is given.

10. All elite members should have and actively use an account on the [S*S]–Voice*Communication*System (Skype) for the trainings and wars.

11. Read and know the clan strategies. Follow the Captain’s orders in scrims and wars.

12. Only Elite Members selected by the Council can recruit to the clan. In addition, if you recruit a player, you would act as a big brother to him in his first days to teach him all he should know, including proper techniques, server rules, and the clan rules.

13. If you plan a clan war, you must tell the rest of the clan the date and time. Also, be sure the Elite Team is able to participate at the given time.

14. Respect all the other clans. Any complaint from other clans’ members will be studied and analyzed carefully.

15. Follow our Server Rules in any server you connect and respect the individual rules of the particular server also. That will help to maintain a good vision of our clan.

Any violation of these rules will be studied and penalized. If it is determined that disciplinary action is necessary, the violator will first be slapped in the Clan Page. A repeated violation will result in expulsion from the clan.
Inform the Council if any member of the Clan breaks the rules by posting in the Forum and sending a demo or explanation of the offense to:

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